Cameron Waldrop
This time around a documentary crew receive a call from a mysterious and reclusive rich guy to invite them to a replica of hotel H.H. Holmes built and supposedly used to kill his victims. Everything seems to be going well until the hotel is revealed to be a series of traps, isolating the documentary crew and subjecting them to what seems to be Saw-like contraptions. You can see the trailer for yourself below: For the first time, it seems the Dark Pictures Anthology will be dipping into a level of reality. H.H. Holmes was an actual serial killer in the early 1890’s in Chicago, and did construct a building that the papers referred to as the “Murder Castle.” We don’t get a firm release date other than “Autumn 2022,” but we do know platforms. The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me will be releasing on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Back in March it was revealed that academy award nominated actress Jesse Buckley (The Lost Daughter, Men) would be joining The Devil in Me cast.

All Voice Actors in The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope All House of Ashes Voice Actors: The Dark Pictures Anthology Cast The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me Review – Right at Holmes The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me Trailer Highlights its Diabolical Traps The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me Preview – The Devil You Know
The Dark Pictures Anthology  The Devil in Me Reveals Story in New Trailer - 55